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    西湖模式 (xīhú móshì): xīhú móshì

    As of Sunday, people no longer need to pay to visit Daming Lake scenic area in Jinan, capital of East China's Shandong province. The Jinan authorities said they were following the example of the West Lake scenic area in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, also in East China.

    The so-called West Lake model refers to Hangzhou authority's policy of not charging people to enter the famous West Lake scenic area. After the National Day holiday in 2002, the Hangzhou authority began to gradually open the West Lake scenic area to the public free of charge, in order to attract more visitors.

    The no-charge policy has proved successful with an increasing number of tourists visiting the West Lake scenic area and other places of interests in Hangzhou.

    Visitors have been complaining about the expensive entry prices to other domestic scenic spots for years. The administrators of many scenic areas regard charging high entry fees as a significant way to boost the local coffers, and they arbitrarily raise prices while failing to invest in improving the services they provide.

    The West Lake model not only benefits the public but also promotes the healthy development of the nation's tourism industry. It should be adopted by more domestic scenic sites.

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